No one is completely clear on the origins of the Czech
people, but they were a tribal group that settled in central Europe about 500
They had an association with the
Boii tribe, after which the area of Bohemia takes its name, and they were
closely related to the Slavic people who settled in the same area about the
same time.
They were associated with the
Great Moravian Empire of the 800’s and then with the Bohemian Empire that
followed in the 900’s.
Bohemia grew to
be quite large and was a self-governing state of the Holy Roman Empire during
the Middle Ages.
Prague was the empire’s
leading city.
Many German craftspeople
and merchants moved into the Bohemian towns.
In the 1500’s the Austrian Hapsburgs took control of Bohemia
and Hungary. Bohemia remained
semi-independent and many of the nobles embraced the new Protestant Christian
religion. In the 1600’s a group of Czech
Protestant nobles revolted against the Catholic Hapsburg rule by electing a
Protestant king. The Czech revolt touched off the Thirty Years War. The Czech
nobles were defeated by the Hapsburgs and lost self-rule. Their empire was divided into three
provinces: Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia.
The Habsburgs forced the Czechs to adopt the German language and
culture, and Catholicism became the state religion.

In the 1700’s, under Austrian-German influence, Bohemia and
Moravia began industrial development and many Czech peasants moved from their
farms to the urban areas.
differentiated society of industrial workers, middle class and intellectuals
About the same time, many Czechs
began to promote a rebirth of the Czech language and culture.
The growth of Czech national feeling led to
significant cultural and political gains during the late 1800’s.
But, life in Bohemia and Moravia remained
hard for the common man.
Most had small
plots of land for subsistence farming.
News of possibilities in the “New World” was enticing.
My husband’s family migrated from Bohemia and
Moravia to America during the 1865 – 1890 period.
We don’t know exactly what induced them to
set out for America, but researchers have concluded that the primary motive for
Czech immigration was economic improvement.
It was many years after the ancestor’s flight to America
that the nation of Czechoslovakia came into existence. Following WWI in 1918, the Czechs and Slovaks
were politically united as Czechoslovakia but the nation was quickly swept up
by Hitler’s Germany. Following WWII in
1948, Czechoslovakia was firmly placed in the Soviet orbit and experienced
decades of communist control. With the
collapse of Soviet authority in 1989, Czechoslovakia regained its freedom and
in 1993 the country split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In our lifetime, freedom from communism has
allowed American Czech descendants to return to the “homeland” to learn more of
their heritage.
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